Project: Gauntlet - Current Iteration

Friday, November 27, 2009

The To-Do list. THE To-Do list.

And on that subject, what DOES the To-Do list look like?


That little corner of desk you see there is where I'm sitting as we speak - per'se.

Let's break it down... what's on there....

Executive summary:

Over the next few week's you'll be seeing some real traction on this - run around, fight, TRIUMPH, all in a procedurally-generated environment - so your gameplay experience is varied every single time you play the game.

Hmm... variety - we need a blog post on that subject. How do we vary this up to assure that the procedural generation of levels is actually dynamic and awesome, as opposed to just.... whatever...

Bottom-left corner - some scribblings about another project I'm working on. I'd remove them, but there's a diagram of a turtle that I'm kind of fond of.

Bottom-centrish - a kind of... sketch? of how this Project will appear to the user. Kind of....

The majority of the board? 4 columns: Level generation, Movement, Combat, Goal - I think I outlined them in the first post.

And the most contextually relevant part?

In the bottom-right corner, beneath a small sketch of a flower - denoting 'Graphical Assets' - which I have labelled as 'effeminite', we have:
  • Animations - swing, run, jump animations for the main character
  • Modelling - extension of the biped to a real character, pending concept
  • Scenery - flavour items - rocks, trees - for placement in the path.
Beneath a small sketch of a piece of paper - denoting 'Programming work' - which I have labelled as 'productive work', we have:

  • Scenery generation and placement - intelligent procedural palcement of scenery (above) in the path to provide obstacles that don't make the level impossible.
  • NPC placement - spawning of NPCs with varying degrees of strength pending position on the path
  • Health system - management of dead/alive and degrees of alive-ness, as it were.
  • Control system - movement and striking have been handled, but I am cooking up something particularly special for this innocent-looking 'Control system' concept. More as this develops - particularly excited about this one.

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