Project: Gauntlet - Current Iteration

Friday, November 27, 2009

Progress: Day Four-Point-Five - Animation, Jumping and primitive Pathing in C# and Unity

Saturday morning - ahhhhhh the weekend, sitting in a room in 35 degrees celsius / 95 degrees farenheit heat, avoiding deliverables for the rent-paying passtime - and writing tiny To-Do lists on the remaining empty space on the whiteboard... Fantastic!

 So what have I done on this hot Saturday?

Along with the consumption of 2 cans of redbull and 2 cups of delicious black espresso, and 3 subsequent bottles of water to attempt to avert the pending kidney damage, today has been extremely productive.

Let us look, shall we.

Last Night - Day Three (unblogged)

  • Rigged up a primitive "run" animation on our beautiful biped model, to give the demos a little bit of life.
  • Videos to come.
Today - Day Four.Point.Five

  •   NPC movement - NPCs will now run toward the player unerringly, unwaveringly - with a TOTAL commitment not often found in your softer organisms.
    • The NPCs don't path - as we've got aspirations to put this bad boy on your portable devices, I didn't relish the idea of implementing A* or such over it, so they follow the following procedure:
      • Face the player.
      • RUN!!!!!!
      • If you find you can't move for a little bit - JUMP
      • If you are within a given distance of the player, stop, you have been successful.
    • If the NPCs are all near the player, they will rotate until they surround the player in a swarm-styled circle.
    • The JUMP mechanic fulfilled a few requirements:
      • NPCs can jump over obstacles, avoiding the need for pathing.
      • NPCs look hilarious and awesome when they are stacked behind each other - eagerly jumping to attempt to viciously violate you.
  • Attack mechanic
    • When struck, the NPCs can be knocked back - a given distance and a given height.
      • When knocked back, the NPCs cannot move for a defined time.
    • This mechanic will graphically manifest as:
      • Knock back enemy and daze for a period.
    • And it looks awesome too. Of course.
But less talk, let's SEE this business!

Pending.... I'm recording it right now. Hang tight.

Uploading..... 30 minutes remaining. I DID compress, but it looked like junk, so I figured I'd take the time, and see if Youtube would do a better job than my encoder. We'll see! So..... how are you?

13.56 remaining! You could die a hundred deaths in that time. Or cook some eggs or such.

Uploaded.... processing.... please wait.... I really should just leave this blog open in Edit instead of repeatedly having to navigate through Blogspot to edit it.


Project Gauntlet: Video One

Man, can I embed video here????

Jesus... maybe I can... let's take a look....


Let's see how THAT badboy goes....

Of course! The worst crime you can commit - is to doubt yourself.

At least, the worst crime I can commit is to doubt myself. Feel free to doubt yourself, I don't know you.

Please - take a look, view it in the context in which it was made, and - until we next meet:

Stay crunchy.

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