Project: Gauntlet - Current Iteration

Friday, January 15, 2010

Simple Living Unity Scene - Breakdown

Paying the rent precludes me from giving you the full attention that you so clearly deserve - accept this breakdown instead.

A simple Unity scene, with a few simple scripts and elements added to give it a more dynamic, interesting feel.

Here's a breakdown of what's in there:


The water is made up of a large plane with a Transparency > Diffuse shader, and the standard Water texture applied. Alpha is at around 70%.

To achieve the depth / shallow appearance of the water, I used a crazy simple technique:
Painted underneath the 'deep' sections with black, and underneath the 'shallow' sections with sand.

Easy, and achieves a relatively nice look.

To achieve the ebb and flow effect, I created a basic script that will raise and lower the water plane within bounds, given a provided (very slow) speed.

Light Cycle

Very simple light cycle - achieved by applying a simple rotation on Update() to a Directional light.

Living Skybox

Another very simple effect - achieved by applying a texture to a giant cylinder, and rotating it on Update().
Also, the cylinder will align it's x and z coordinates with those of the player, so they maintain a specified distance at all times (best to correlate the clip distance to this).

Ripple effect

Probably the most complex effect - but still very basic - the ripple effect is the following:

A simple plane with a transparent background and a white circle painted onto it.

It will start at a scale of 0%.

On Update(), it will roll a random number - and if it is within specified bounds, it will initiate a 'ripple'.

This will effectively scale the plane at a specified rate, until it reaches a certain size, at which stage it will disappear.

The ripple will also lower its alpha as a proportion of it's progress to maximum size.

Too easy!

So what do you think? Relatively 'pretty' for two hours of coding and playing around and such.

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