Project: Gauntlet - Current Iteration

Thursday, July 1, 2010

World State - Servlets for Servers, P2P, iPhone efficiency and You.

Hello people,

Prepare yourselves for an update of monolithic proportions....

Although I thiiink a monolith (mono) is singular, correct?

And I intend to put up multiple updates...

So that's not really correct, right?

Oh no, it's correct like this: We consider the entire update process as a single Unit, and that Unit is a monolith, composed of smaller parts. Easy.

Here's a little bit of what you can expect:
  • A* Pathfinding in Unity. 3D, of course.
    • Using pre-determined (automatically generated) walk maps, and pathing over coordinates.
  • P2P networking. 
    • Uh-huh!
  • Servlets.
    • Google App Engine for gamestate? Can it be done?!?! You know it can, brother!
  • iPhone.
    • That's right! I'm allll about the iPhone. Got my (our) first alpha build up two nights ago. Greatly impressed.
  • Maybe some other things too. I just can't remember them all!

Take it easy, everybody. Feel free to follow this blog, to join the Youtube channel, or whatever you like. I'm always keen to assist, time permitting, in your Unity or wider development adventures. I have many many scripts to share if they're needed. I'm just that kinda guy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you provide more info regarding how you connected unity3d to google app engine?